American Graphite Technologies

Company Type:  

American Graphite Technologies logoAmerican Graphite Technologies (AGT) is a mineral exploration and technology development company. AGT has 100% ownership of 100 mineral claims in Quebec, Canada (close by to Focus Graphite's proven graphite resource). AGT was also involved with graphene related research, but it seems as if the company is no longer in business and certainly not active with graphene.

In March 2013 AGT and Cheap Tubes announced that have successfully produced graphene paper test samples, but the companies are no longer collaborating. In September 2013 AGT launched a project with Ukraine's Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology to develop graphene-based working material for 3D printing.


AGT is trading in the NASDAQ (OTCBB: AGIN).

Company Address

3651 Lindell Road
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

American Graphite Technologies announces an extension to 3D Project P-600

American Graphite Technologies announced that it has extended its agreement with the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT) and Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU) to further its research of its 3D graphene printing project, called P-600. The project was launched in 2013, as a cooperation between these institutes to research the possibility of using graphene-based materials as the working materials for 3D printing.

American Graphite Technologies representatives state that they are encouraged by the progress that the team has made to date and are very excited about extending the P-600 research project. American Graphite Technologies Inc. is funding project P-600, and hold the rights to all intellectual property developed from the project.

Read the full story Posted: Mar 01,2016

AGT and CTI reports improvement in their graphene paper conductivity

American Graphite Technologies (AGT) announced that it received updates from Cheap Tubes on the graphene paper project progress.

Cheap Tubes reports that it has made considerable progress the aqueous formulation from recent development initiatives. Cheap Tubes managed to improve the conductivity of the paper by over 100% (previous conductivity was 35 ohms, now it is less than 15 ohms). Cheap Tubes also reports that two production lines have been moved to the new facility. The small, 12-inch wide line is close to operational and the large 30-inch wide line should be operational by fourth quarter 2014.

Read the full story Posted: May 28,2014

AGT's graphene 3D printing project launched

In April 2013 American Graphite Technologies (AGT) it is planning to collaborate with Ukraine's Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology ("KIPT") on graphene-based working materials for 3D printing. Now AGT announced that it has finalized the IP agreement and funded the first year of research.

The KIPT science team will consist of 10 scientists (5 PhD's, 4 former weapons scientists and 1 PhD student). AGT paid $50,000 for the project, which will run for one year with an option to renew. AGT will own all the IP developed from this Graphene 3D Printing project.

Read the full story Posted: Oct 26,2013

American Graphite's graphene-based 3D printing project in the Ukraine received final approval

In April 2013 American Graphite Technologies (AGT) announced it is planning to collaborate with Ukraine's Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology ("KIPT") on graphene-based working materials for 3D printing. AGT announced today that the project (called P600) received final approval from the Science and Technology Centre Ukraine (STCU).

The project aims to develop new nanocarbon contained matter as the working material for 3D printing. The team will use several carbon-based materials, primarily graphene. The project team will consist of 8 scientists and PhDs with experience in the fields of nanotechnology, 3D printing, solid state physics, physical materials and thermal physics.

Read the full story Posted: Oct 06,2013

Cheap Tubes' hybrid bucky/graphene paper received favorable test results

American Graphite Technologies (AGT) announced that Cheap Tubes received independent test results for its hybrid bucky/graphene paper formulations and advanced coating technology, and these results confirmed that the materials are conductive, stable and processable on an industrial scale.

Cheap Tubes produced several pre-production quality, highly conductive, flexible and mechanically stable self-supporting membrane samples (made form CNTs and GNPs), refined from mined graphite and other nano components. Cheap Tubes' hybrid paper has a surface area of 116m2/g at 100um thickness, and the company says that it could potentially produce it in sizes up to 36" wide, at speeds up to 50-100 feet of membrane per minute.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 27,2013

American Graphite updates on financials and graphene 3D printing research

American Graphite Technologies (AGT) announced several new updates regarding their financial status and graphene projects. First of all, the company completed a financing round, totaling $145,000 (out of which $95,000 were already announced last week). AGT is currently negotiating another round of equity financing.

Back in April 2013, AGT announced it is planning to collaborate with Ukraine's Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology ("KIPT") on graphene-based working materials for 3D printing. AGT now informs us that they expect to start the project shortly as they hope to finalize  regulatory approvals soon.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 25,2013

American Graphite seeks to raise money to fund its current projects

American Graphite Technologies (AGT), a mineral exploration company that is also involved with graphene technologies (partnering with Cheap Tubes on graphene paper) is seeking to raise more money to fund its current projects. 

AGT entered into an agency agreement with Carter Terry & Company - to act as a financial advisor investment bank and help them with raising the required capital. AGT is trading in the NASDAQ (OTCBB: AGIN). AGT just announced it raised $95,000 from two investors that were not introduced by CT&C.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 20,2013

Cheap Tubes reports that they achieved milliohm resistivity for graphene paper samples

Cheap Tubes updates us on their graphene paper R&D. They have produced five samples and sent them to an independent laboratory for resistivity measurements. Cheap Tubes reports that they have achieved milliohm resistivity for graphene paper. Cheap Tubes plans to continue their R&D for both resistivity and scalability (on small scale and large scale samples). 

Cheap Tubes recently bought second hand equipment that will be used in their graphene paper R&D. The company bought this used equipment at an auction (it was previously used by now-bankrupt solar panel maker Konarka) and will install it in its new Rockingham, Vermont facility. Cheap Tubes is partnering with American Graphite Technologies, which supplies them with graphite materials. AGT is a publicly traded mineral exploration and technology development company.

Read the full story Posted: May 07,2013

Cheap Tubes bought equipment for its graphene paper R&D

Cheap Tubes purchased equipment that will be used in their graphene paper R&D. The company bought this used equipment at an auction (it was previously used by now-bankrupt solar panel maker Konarka) and will install it in its new Rockingham, Vermont facility.

Cheap Tubes plans to retrofit the equipment for the manufacture of graphene paper, and hopes to begin testing in about 3 months. Cheap Tubes is partnering with American Graphite Technologies, which will supply them with graphite materials. AGT is a publicly traded mineral exploration and technology development company.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 30,2013