Graphene Oxide to benefit transmission electron microscopes

Researchers from the University of Warwick has found molecular hooks on the surface of Graphene Oxide, that could potentially provide massive benefits to transmission electron microscopes.

Substance pivotingSubstance pivoting

The researchers also found an interesting property of these hooks - the molecules attached to them move and pivot around them.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 02,2010

Thermoplastics can be improved by adding Graphene

NetComposites says that adding Graphene to the polymer in Thermoplastics can improve its mechanical, electrical, thermal and barrier properties. They predict that just 1% by volume of graphene nano platelets could yield a tensile modulus increase of 95% over an unfilled polymer.

The company is bringing together a European partnership to develop this technology in several application areas, such as electronics, lighting, packaging and structural components. They hope to get funding from the European Commissions Framework 7 funding programme.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 01,2010