G6 Materials Corp. (formerly known as "Graphene 3D Lab) has announced the start of a new green-energy focused collaboration with Gilman Industries, a company focused on commercializing its hydrogen-producing technology. The objective of the project is to develop a new generation of Evolve, a proprietary hydrogen generator that produces hydrogen by splitting water with an electric current.
During the course of this project, G6 will develop a robust graphene-based material for electrodes within the hydrogen generator. Introducing a resilient graphene-based material has the potential to deliver chemical stability that could allow the generator to operate with seawater, which if successful, would drastically expand the range of potential applications.
Hydrogen can also be used in automobiles equipped with fuel cells (HFCVs). Such motors are already produced by major auto manufacturers, are becoming more popular, and are competing with electrical power vehicles. Examples of fuel cell vehicles include: Mirai produced by Toyota, Nexo by Hyundai, Clarity by Honda, and Great Wall Motors who are seeking to produce 1 million HFCVs by 2030.
We are extremely happy to have G6 as a partner, said Brian Gilman, CEO of Gilman Industries. Gilman added, They have an outstanding and very supportive research team that are helping us a great deal along the process for developing as well as manufacturing on the commercial scale. We also acknowledge that graphene holds the key to reducing electrical draw when producing green hydrogen.
We are happy to see that our formulations have the potential to contribute significantly to new emerging green energy technologies. stated Daniel Stolyarov, CEO of G6. Stolyarov added, Our expertise in graphene and high-performance materials creates an opportunity for us to develop numerous partnerships with new revolutionary technology ventures.