
SmartIR is a spinout company from the University of Manchester that is developing a cost-effective graphene-based solution that will ensure satellites can control thermal radiation on demand.

SmartIR has developed a graphene-based smart coating for satellites, allowing them to manage thermal energy in real-time, depending on whether a satellite's surface is in Earth's shadow or on the side closest to the Sun.

This graphene technology is lightweight, has a low power consumption, can respond quickly to temperature changes, operates across the infrared spectrum, and involves no moving parts.

SmartIR has joined the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre United Kingdom (ESA BIC UK) at the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) Daresbury Laboratory.

SmartIR was formed with help from the University of Manchester Innovation Factory by Prof Kocabas, expert in optical properties of graphene, Dr Margherita Sepioni, who has eight years' experience in commercializing graphene into early-stage businesses and Paul Kahn, former CEO of Airbus Group UK. SmartIR was incorporated in early 2020, with help from the University of Manchester Innovation Factory, with the current primary focus on product development and testing validation to meet the space requirements.

Company Address

C/O Umi3, Ctf 46 Grafton Street
M13 9NT
United Kingdom