Graphene videos - Page 12

Graphene Oxide can be used to create ultrafast e-paper

Researchers from Turkey's Bilkent University discovered that graphene oxide can be reversibly reduced and oxidized using electrical stimulus. They say that graphene's band structure can be electrochemically tuned in ambient air in a two terminal planar device (due to humidity in the air). The researchers claim that if this effect can be better controlled, you could use this to create E Ink like e-paper that will be ultrafast. This could also have applications in information processing.

Here's a video showing controlled reduction and oxidation in two-terminal devices (containing multilayer graphene oxide films):

Read the full story Posted: May 09,2011

Graphene introduction videos

We just found a couple of great short vidoes explaining about carbon and Graphene. The videos are presented by Dr. Jonathan Hare (who also wrote them) - who runs the creative science center in Sussex, UK. The first video is an introduction to Graphene: what is it, why is it important and how we can make our own Graphene sheets:

Read the full story Posted: Nov 25,2010