Tirupati Graphite was a fully integrated specialist graphite and graphene producer, with operations in Madagascar and India. It was incorporated in London, on the 26 April 2017 as a public company by the promoters of Tirupati Carbons & Chemicals (P) Ltd., India (TCCPL) and Optiva Securities Ltd., London, with a vision of developing a world-leading benchmark flake graphite company.
In India, through Tirupati Specialty Graphite Private Limited, with whom the Company had a binding acquisition agreement subject to regulatory approvals, Tirupati was developing a suite of specialty graphite for use in hi-tech applications like lithium-ion batteries, fire retardants, thermal management and composites.
It seems that Tirupati Graphite PLC has dropped its graphene-related business.
49 Berkeley Square, Mayfair
United Kingdom