Historic company listing - Page 2


CalBattery logoCalBattery was a Los Angeles based start-up that develops silicon-graphene lithium-ion battery anode material. The company seems to no longer be in business.

Cambridge Nanosystems

Cambridge Nanosystems logoCambridge Nanosystems was a start-up company that was spun-off from the University of Cambridge with an aim to supply graphene materials (and also Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes - SWCNT).

The company produced high quality (metal-free) graphene flakes (200-500 nm), with a production capacity of several kg/day. CS was building a new 5-ton factory.


CealTech, established in 2012, was a graphene producer that patented a 3D graphene production method.

The company's production unit (design and technology are patent pending) called FORZA was meant to be the world's largest machine for production of high volume single layer pure graphene.


Cells X logo imageCellsX was a China-based company that developed graphene-based battery cells, that enable fast charging.

Among its products were small and large battery cell packs, with applications like electronic accessories, city delivery vehicle batteries and more. It seems as if the company is no longer in business.


Cemtrex (NASDAQ:CETX) is a global, technology company offering a range of products, systems and services to address the needs of a wide variety of industries around the world.


Cientifica logoCientifica, established in October 2013 in the UK, focuses on graphene applications. The company plan is to acquire and build businesses that make use of graphene materials.

Continuum Technologies

Continuum Technologies logo imageContinuum Technologies was a UK-based company that developed graphene-based sensing nanotechnology embedded into fabrics. Focusing on athletic performance enhancement as a use case, Continuum aimed to provide real-time monitoring of biometric and biomechanical health data.

The company is no longer active.


CTDAT LOGOCTDAT was launched in 2014 in Mexico as a consultancy firm that specializes in graphene production technologies. CTDAT developed a patent-pending process to exfoliate graphene from graphite.