Researchers measure superfluid stiffness of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

Researchers from MIT and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science have directly measured superfluid stiffness for the first time in “magic-angle” graphene — two or more atomically thin sheets of graphene twisted with respect to each other at just the right angle to enable a host of exceptional properties, including unconventional superconductivity. The term “superfluid stiffness,” or the ease with which a current of electron pairs can flow, is a key measure of a material’s superconductivity.

This superconductivity makes magic-angle graphene a promising building block for future quantum-computing devices, but exactly how the material superconducts is not well-understood. Knowing the material’s superfluid stiffness will help scientists identify the mechanism of superconductivity in magic-angle graphene. The team’s measurements suggest that magic-angle graphene’s superconductivity is primarily governed by quantum geometry, which refers to the conceptual “shape” of quantum states that can exist in a given material.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 10,2025

Trilayer graphene enables new platform for studying quantum materials

Researchers from MIT, Princeton University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science have created a new ultrathin 2D material with unusual magnetic properties that initially surprised the researchers before they went on to solve the complicated puzzle behind those properties’ emergence. As a result, the work introduces a new platform for studying how materials behave at the most fundamental level — the world of quantum physics.

The scientists, led by MIT's Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, worked with three layers of graphene. Each layer was twisted on top of the next at the same angle, creating a helical structure reminiscent of a DNA helix.

Read the full story Posted: Jan 27,2025

Researchers gain better understanding of electrons in pentalayer graphene

MIT researchers have gained new understanding of what leads electrons to split into fractions of themselves. Their solution sheds light on the conditions that give rise to exotic electronic states in graphene and other two-dimensional systems.

The recent work attempts to make sense of a discovery that was reported earlier this year by a different group of physicists at MIT, led by Assistant Professor Long Ju. Ju’s team found that electrons appear to exhibit “fractional charge” in pentalayer graphene — a configuration of five graphene layers that are stacked atop a similarly structured sheet of boron nitride.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 24,2024

Researchers report quantum anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral graphene

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Texas at Dallas and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science have reported the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE), a topological phenomenon that features quantized Hall resistance at zero magnetic field, in a rhombohedral pentalayer graphene-monolayer tungsten disulfide (WS2) heterostructure. 

This achievement can also be described as a 'five-lane superhighway' for electrons, that could allow ultra-efficient electronics and more. The team explained that its discovery could have direct implications for low-power electronic devices because no energy is lost during the propagation of electrons, which is not the case in regular materials where the electrons are scattered.

Read the full story Posted: May 14,2024

Researchers show that electrons in double-layer graphene move like particles without any mass

Researchers from the University of Göttingen, Japan's National Institute for Materials Science and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have demonstrated experimentally that electrons in naturally occurring double-layer graphene move like particles without any mass, in the same way that light travels. Furthermore, they have shown that the current can be "switched" on and off, which has potential for developing tiny, energy-efficient transistors. 

Among its many unusual properties, graphene is known for its extraordinarily high electrical conductivity due to the high and constant velocity of electrons travelling through this material. This unique feature has made scientists try to use graphene for faster and more energy-efficient transistors. The challenge has been that to make a transistor, the material needs to be controlled to have a highly insulating state in addition to its highly conductive state. In graphene, however, such a "switch" in the speed of the carrier cannot be easily achieved. In fact, graphene usually has no insulating state, which has limited graphene's potential a transistor.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 18,2024

Researchers create graphene-integrated bioelectronic mesh for tracking multimodal excitation-contraction dynamics in cardiac microtissues

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have successfully built a tissue-like bioelectronic mesh system integrated with an array of graphene sensors that can simultaneously measure both the electrical signal and the physical movement of cells in lab-grown human cardiac tissue.

A bioelectronic mesh, studded with graphene sensors (red), can measure the electrical signal and movement of cardiac tissue (purple and green) at the same time. Image credit: UMass Amherst

The tissue-like mesh can grow along with the cardiac cells, allowing researchers to observe how the heart’s mechanical and electrical functions change during the developmental process. The new device can be extremely useful for those studying cardiac disease as well as those studying the potentially toxic side-effects of many common drug therapies.

Read the full story Posted: Mar 22,2024

Researchers observe fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in multilayer graphene

Researchers at MIT and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have observed an exotic electronic state in a material made of five layers of graphene, that could enable new forms of quantum computing. 

Generally speaking, the electron is the basic unit of electricity, as it carries a single negative charge. At least, that's the case in most materials in nature. But in very special states of matter, electrons can splinter into fractions of their whole. This phenomenon, known as “fractional charge,” is extremely rare, and if it can be corralled and controlled, the exotic electronic state could help to build resilient, fault-tolerant quantum computers. To date, this effect, known to physicists as the “fractional quantum Hall effect,” has been observed a handful of times, and mostly under very high, carefully maintained magnetic fields. Now, the scientists have also seen the effect in a material that did not require such powerful magnetic manipulation. They found that when five sheets of graphene are stacked like steps on a staircase, the resulting structure inherently provides just the right conditions for electrons to pass through as fractions of their total charge, with no need for any external magnetic field.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 22,2024

Researchers use graphene and boron nitride to develop new brain-like transistor that mimics human intelligence

Researchers at Northwestern University, MIT, Harvard University, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science have developed a graphene-based synaptic transistor capable of higher-level thinking.

The device simultaneously processes and stores information just like the human brain. In new experiments, the researchers demonstrated that the transistor goes beyond simple machine-learning tasks to categorize data and is capable of performing associative learning.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 25,2023

Researchers discover rare multiferroic behavior in five-layer graphene

Researchers at MIT, Harvard and Japan's National Institute for Materials Science have reported a surprising property in graphene: When stacked in five layers, in a rhombohedral pattern, graphene displays a rare, “multiferroic” state, in which the material exhibits both unconventional magnetism and an exotic type of electronic behavior, which the team has named "ferro-valleytricity".

“Graphene is a fascinating material,” said Long Ju, assistant professor of physics at MIT. “Every layer you add gives you essentially a new material. And now this is the first time we see ferro-valleytricity, and unconventional magnetism, in five layers of graphene. But we don’t see this property in one, two, three, or four layers”. The discovery could promote ultra-low-power, high-capacity data storage devices for classical and quantum computers.

Read the full story Posted: Oct 19,2023

Researchers use graphene transistors to design novel biomimetic sensing system

Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,  BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, MIT, 2bind and Avalon GloboCare have designed a novel sensor that could detect the same molecules that naturally occurring cell receptors can identify.

The researchers created a prototype sensor that can detect an immune molecule called CXCL12, down to tens or hundreds of parts per billion. This is an important first step towards developing a system that could be used to perform routine screens for hard-to-diagnose cancers or metastatic tumors, or as a highly biomimetic electronic “nose,” the researchers say.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 28,2023